I traveled to Kansas to attend her graduation and spend time with the crazy family. Frances and Babs (aka Anika) rode with me; we traveled at night so Babs could sleep and wouldn't be too offended at being tied down in a car seat for 8 hours. Night travel is rough and Frances doesn't drive so I found myself pulling over every chance I got (that means an exit where no traffic was in sight) to run around the car and do jumping jacks...that afforded me another 45min of traveling with my eyes open...lol. I also made a concoction that did me well for a while...I poured a half bottle of frappuccino into my gigantic coffee cup, then added a double shot espresso to the remaining frapp and slammed it, then drank my coffee...that's some good stuff...stuff to write home about. We pulled in at 3am. My sister greeted us at the door...too excited to really sleep, then we stayed up talking until 5 or so...I guess the caffeine buzz actually kicked in too late. I just love early morning chats with my sisterface...she rocks! Every other day I was up at 5 with her drinking coffee and reading the bible.
Here's Granny feeding Babs in the morning.
I left the family one day to travel to Kansas City, MO. It just so happened that my nieces bff decided to fly in for Des' graduation...only she thought Kansas City was an airport in Kansas...lol. I was ok with the travel since I wanted to visit IHOP (International House of Prayer). What an experience! They have 24/7 praise and worship and prayer there and don't even miss a beat switching teams...amazing. IHOP far exceeded my expectations. What a beautiful place. I was thinking there would be a few people there since it was the middle of the week, but I never expected over a hundred people there. There were students, business people spending their lunch hour there, moms with their children...all kinds of people gathered to pray and worship God. Even after the lunch hour there was still a good 80 people or more there. I'm thinking I am going to take a weekend and just get away there.
The rest of the week was spent doing little things around the house to get it ready for auction, attending graduation, visiting family, attempting to get my homework done, driving back and forth to MO...stuff like that...it was pretty busy. I got home Sunday evening and slept until Tuesday morning...lol...I was actually up for about 2 hours on Monday. :) All that travel did me in.
Since I am posting this a bit late, I have to add that my sister got in last night and we will be moving her into her new place today...I am so excited to have her back here after about 3 years...I missed her so much! So that should bring you up to date on most of my current events...I think about keeping my blog current, but somehow life gets ya busy.
Happy days to you all!