Monday, June 8, 2009

A Week of Memories - I remember...RAIN.

I am challenging myself to write "I remember..." every day for a week. Hopefully this will propel me back into blog world. Just a few small blogs trips down memory lane. :) I hope you will join me by leaving your own memory lane experience in the comments.
It has been raining so much here lately, but everything is the most vivid of greens, and tons of gorgeous wildflowers are popping up, it's difficult to complain with all the beauty that surrounds me. I was thinking about the rain we were expecting this afternoon when I remembered the rain in my early childhood days, living in the New Mexico desert, FAR out in the desert (aka "the boonies").
I remember the aromatic smell of the desert...the initial fresh rain smell we all know so well, the heavy downpour that raised the dust 6 inches from the ground before it saturated everything, and the smell of the wet desert brush as the rain on it evaporated, filling the air with a hint of sage (I actually couldn't cook with sage until I was about 30...I guess I always thought of it as a weed). I remember at the first sound of rain we would all run outside and play in the bar ditches until our newly created pool/water slide became a mud bath. Playing in the rain was the greatest thing, even with the thunder and lightning cracking all around us. Growing up, one learns how dangerous it might be to play in thunderstorms; however, it never scared us, it only urged us to scream with delight all the louder...we were on top of the world, we were invincible, we were children.

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